La dernière session de Concours sera le 05 septembre 2024 (dossier à déposer avant le 23 aout 2024). Pour rappel: Seulement 25 places sont disponibles pour l’année 2024/2025. Félicitations à nos étudiants en 2ème année qui ont tous réussis leurs examens et passent en 3ème année (un taux de réussite de 100 %)

For Healthcare

We Provide a Professional Health Care Training Support

Félicitations à nos étudiants en 2ème année MSE Orléans Zagreb qui ont tous réussis leurs examens et passent en 3ème année (un taux de réussite de 100 %)

Félicitations aussi à nos étudiants PASS/LAS qui ont tous réussi à obtenir une place dans des filières médicales et paramédicales cette année

Photos © Mairie d’Orléans 2023

Zagreb Medical School Support training Program

MSE Training Entrance Exam Program is now open


If you have a bachelor's degree or you are a university student, Loire & Orléans for Healthcare assist you to train and qualify to become medical doctor. Learn more...Application are now open.

Entrance Exam PAS / LAS 2023

Open from september 2023 to june 2024

If you are a student in PASS / LAS or Bachelor, The Loire & Orléans for healthcare organisation offers support courses to help you to succeed your PASS or LAS. applications are now open.

people walking on sidewalk near building during daytime

Our Organisation

Changing health needs, growing medical doctor, and ambitious new health goals are raising the bar for health systems to produce better health outcomes and greater social value. But staying on current trajectory will not suffice to meet these demands.

International & exclusive partnership with Zagreb Medical School

- A first in France: the city of Orléans signs a memorandum of understanding with the Faculty of Medicine of Zagreb (Croatia). This novel project will allow for the training of medical students in Orleans. 
This novel project will allow for the training of medical students in Orléans.

The Faculty of Medicine of Zagreb, in partnership with the LOIRE & ORLEANS en SANTE association, trains future doctors of medicine. It is recognized in Europe and in several large countries of the world, notably: United States of America, United Kingdom, Israel, Australia ....

The MSE diploma in Zagreb is recognized in the European Union and of course in France, with a prestigious accreditation (High Quality).

- ➢ Students graduating from MSE Zagreb will have the same access to internship and to the passage of the National Classifying Examinations (ECN) as students graduating from French medical schools (

Why choose us?

Europe's Erasmus Student Exchange

Become a European student! Discover Croatia, its capital Zagreb and a new culture.

MSE Entrance Exam training

We provide you a full support to succeed your MSE entrance exam and advance your English

you can make a real difference to people's lives by helping to alleviate pain and suffering

A unique opportunity to become Medical Doctor – International recognized in Europe and most largest and developed countries such the USA, Germany, Australia Sweden, Israel ,...

An adapted work environment

In the heart of a startup incubator with a direct link with hospitals, our students have all the tools they need to succeed.

people walking on sidewalk near building during daytime

Student Feedback

First Year MSE Orleans : The 2022 students program

Salma student @ the first year (2022) MSE Orleans
Noah first year 2022 MSE student Orleans
Danya first year 2022 MSE student Orleans
For more about us

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