La dernière session de Concours sera le 05 septembre 2024 (dossier à déposer avant le 23 aout 2024). Pour rappel: Seulement 25 places sont disponibles pour l’année 2024/2025. Félicitations à nos étudiants en 2ème année qui ont tous réussis leurs examens et passent en 3ème année (un taux de réussite de 100 %)

1. Admission

Since the interest for the MSE program is constantly increasing, the admission exam is alongside Zagreb also administered in Israel, Sweden and Germany. All the prospective candidates who are planning to pursue their academic career at this program should pass through a very strict admission procedure, i.e. testing in biology, chemistry and physics. Due to the variations in the grading systems applied internationally, the overall average grade achieved in the course of their high‐school education is not taken as a criterion for admission.

The ratio of the applicants and the enrolled students in academic year 2014/2015 was 4:1. In the period from 2009‐2014, 106 students graduated from the MSE program.


2. Admission requirements:

All the candidates should send these application items:

1) Evaluation of the secondary school grades.

2) Written exam in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.: Two sessions are proposed: First session june the 16th and second session July the 12th.

Les candidatures aux examens d’entrée doivent être soumises via le formulaire présent sur notre site internet, selon le calendrier :

–  Premier examen d’entrée en ligne 03 juillet 2024 , dossier à déposer avant le 20 juin 2024.

–  Dernière session d’entrée en ligne 05 Septembre 2024, dossier à déposer avant le 23 aout 2024 .

- Applicants have to take the entrance exam composed of high-school level biology, physics and chemistry. The test consists of 120 questions, with 40 questions from each subject.

- To pass the exam an applicant has to answer correctly to at least 15 questions from each subject and have a total of 61 correct answers. A noter que: uniquement 25 places sont disponibles pour l’année 2024/2025.

Dates importantes:

– Le 9.9.2024 – début de la semaine d’introduction pour les étudiants de première année
– Le 16.9.2024 – début des cours pour les étudiants de première année
– Le 23.9.2024 – début des cours pour les étudiants de deuxième et troisième année

Requirements for the entrance exam can be found here : "Entrance exam info"

3) Is it possible to integrate the MSE program without entrance exam? YES BUT You must go through the procedure of partial exemption from studies. partial exemption from these courses

The following candidates may be exempted from the entrance examination:

– Applicants who have completed a pre-medical college or passed internationally recognized exams (MCAT – with minimal score 125 for each section)

Candidates who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in natural sciences with good credits in biology, physics, chemistry

Important: 25 places sont disponibles pour l’année 2024/2025.

4) Candidates who are neither native speakers of English, nor have graduated from an English-speaking secondary school or college are required to take an internationally recognized English language proficiency test (TOEFL – paper based test 500, internet based test 60, computer based test 170, IELTS – 6). Cambridge and Oxford English language exams and certificates issued by (foreign) language schools (C1 level) are also accepted, as well as certificates of English language proficiency issued by a secondary school a candidate attended.

Transfer students may only be admitted to the second year. Evaluations are made after receipt of all required application materials, along with detailed course descriptions and transcripts. Applications are due by June 20, 2023.

6) Satisfactorily completed health requirements indicating the absence of any health problems at the time of enrollment in any of the positions/vocational qualifications for which students are trained. By producing a health certificate issued by a licensed school health physician, the student meets the health requirements. Applicants who do not meet any of the eliminatory health criteria set forth below will not be considered for any new admissions competition.

7) Health requirements for medical studies are as follows :

  • acceptable eyesight with or without corrections 
  • acceptable eyesight with or without corrections 
  • acceptable hearing with or without hearing aid (there must be an option to adapt the hearing aid to medical instruments) 
  • capacité normale de communication verbale et d’expression de la parole et de manière bien articulée
  • normal function of the musculoskeletal system, torso upper and lower extremities
  • preserved functional mobility of the spine, upper and lower limbs within physiological limits, normal gross and fine motor skills of upper and lower limbs
  • normal balance and stabile state of consciousness
  • absence of severe and permanent conditions
  • normal cognitive functioning
  • normal emotional functioning
  • normal psycho-motoric functioning (entails normal mental function controls of motor and psychological processes within the body)
  • allergic reactions to professional allergens – drugs (inhalation and contact)
  • regular immunization according to the valid immunization schedule for each candidate

8) Candidates who fully comply with the prescribed health criteria are ranked according to their achievement in the course of the admission procedure for enrollment into the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Program of Studies in Medicine in the English Language. The Admission Board ranks the candidates according to the published vacancies for each place of taking the admission test and decides on the number of candidates who have qualified for the admission as prescribed by admission regulations.

Check Application procedure for more information

Enrollment procedure :

– Le nombre maximum d’étudiants admis par an sera de 25. Les étudiants sélectionnés recevront une offre de place suivie de la lettre d’acceptation et du contrat.

The academic year begins with the winter semester - early September. Students have two weeks of winter vacation around Christmas and New Year while summer vacation begins at the end of July. Examination sessions are at the end of each course and in July and September. 

Tuition fees are 12,000 euros per year. 


3. Application procedure

All applicants must send these application materials translated into English or Croatian traduits en Anglais ou en Croate):

1) Completed application form

International student application form

2) Originals or certified copies of their secondary school certificates (for all the years of secondary school and the final certificate of education) with official transcript of grades. (Translated to English).

3) Certificates of higher courses or degrees (college/university, translated to English), if any

Applicants who obtained their university degree abroad will have to get their period of study recognized in the Republic of Croatia in order to be fully enrolled.

Officially attested English translation of their secondary school/ graduation certificates if these weren’t originally written in English or Croatian. (To be provided if admitted to the entrance exam).

5) Curriculum vitae in English

6) 2 photographs, 4×6 cm (not older than six months)

7) Frais de dossier d’un montant de 250 euros payables directement sur notre compte :

Beneficiary : Medicinski Fakultet Zagreb - Medical Studies in English
45100 Orléans,
OIB 45001686598
Purpose : Application fee for Medical Studies in English
CITY : Zagreb
POST CODE : 10000
IBAN CODE : HR8423400091110024619
Details of charge : OUR (all expenses are covered by the applicant)
Poziv na broj 5100

8) Original certificate of the medical and psychophysical capabilities to study medicine (not older than 1 month) issued by the competent physician of general medicine (not a family member) and the completed questionnaire.

9) Photocopy of relevant passport pages with the data and picture

10) Original or certified copy of their birth certificate (“domovnica”, “rodni list” originals and copy of your ID for Croatian citizens)

English language proficiency certificate (TOEFL, IELTS…). Cambridge and Oxford English language exams and certificates issued by (foreign) language schools (C1 level) are also accepted, as well as certificates of English language proficiency issued by a secondary school a candidate attended.

Please send your complete applications to the Loire & Orléans For Healthcare organization via the dedicated form accessible below by clicking on the "Apply" button:

Incomplete applications will not be considered.